Introducing Miroslav Hristov, who recently joined the team of Evelina Kostakeva, partner and team manager at Unique Estates.
Miroslav has a bachelor's degree in Finance from The University of National and World Economy in Sofia. His career path is related to work for large international companies operating in the field of finance and trade. He has over 7 years of experience as a credit consultant, the last two of which as part of the CreditCenter team. He has recently chosen the profession of real estate broker, which he accepted as a natural extension of his career path.
He chose Unique Estates as a leader in the luxury real estate segment in our country, an established brand, recognized with the high level of service provided. Miroslav is impressed by the work organization and corporate culture of the company. Appreciates the opportunity to work with proven professionals and develop in the field.
In the profession, he likes the dynamics in everyday life and the fact that he can communicate with different and interesting people. In his work, he strives to understand the needs of the customers and to comply with the individual preferences and requirements of each of them. According to him, for real estate consultants there are no limits for the possible financial results, it all depends on giving the maximum of themselves. He believes that persistence, positivism and dedication to work are behind the high results of proven specialists in the field and is ambitious to become one of the most successful consultants on the market.
In his free time, Miroslav reads literature related to personal and spiritual growth, as well as specialized publications that upgrade him as a professional. His passion is travelling - he uses every free minute to travel around the world, getting to know different cultures and peoples.
Welcome to the team, Miroslav!