Nikola Rashkov

Nikola Rashkov


More about me

  • Еxperience
  • Education

Nikola joined the New Estates team in 2024.

He has over ten years of experience in the real estate sector, four of which were spent as a broker at Imoteka. Over time, Nikola has developed his sales skills and expanded his portfolio of satisfied clients, earning their trust and receiving numerous recommendations.

What he enjoys about his profession is the freedom to manage his own time and commitments, as well as the challenge of solving various interesting cases that his work presents daily.

According to Nikola, for a real estate consultant to be successful, they must approach each client and case individually, put in a lot of effort and persistence, and have patience, as results are not always achieved quickly. It is important to him to be open, honest, and to protect his clients' interests in his interactions with them.

In his free time, Nikola enjoys reading literature mainly related to topics such as Psychology and Sociology, as well as spending time with friends.

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Nikola has completed a bachelor's degree in Anthropology, specializing in Local Governance and Regional Development, and a master's degree in Cultural Tourism at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia.

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  • Summer Issue - June 30th
  • Winter Issue - 10th November
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